威尔奇 meaning in Chinese
- As welch again seemed becalmed, even slowing further in his walk, dixon relaxed at his side .
威尔奇似乎又静下来,步子也迈得更加缓慢起来。这时,走在旁边的狄克逊才如释重负。 - He half-listened for a minute or so while margaret described how good mrs. welch had been to her in fetching her from hospital .
他心不在焉地听了一两分钟玛格丽特谈威尔奇太太,说威尔奇太太心地如何善良,把她从医院里接回。 - As dixon watched, a bus passed slowly up the hill in the mild may sunshine, bound for the small town where the welches lived .
狄克逊看见一辆公共汽车,顶着柔和的五月阳光,沿着小山直朝威尔奇一家居住的镇上慢悠悠地爬行上去。 - Dixon look furtively at welch, whose face, he saw with passion, held an expression of calm assurance, like an old quartermaster's in rough weather .
狄克逊因而偷偷地瞧了瞧威尔奇,只见他神色自若,如同饱经风霜的舵手遇上了坏天气,毫不在乎。狄克逊看到这副模样简直火冒三丈。 - He must try to make welch like him, and one way of doing that was, he supposed, to be present and conscious while welch talked about concerts .