天鹅绒地毯 meaning in Chinese
velvet carpet
- The cherishing and training of some trees ; the cautious pruning of others ; the nice distribution of flowers and plants of tender and graceful foliage ; the introduction of a green slope of velvet turf ; the partial opening to a peep of blue distance , or silver gleam of water ; ? all these are managed with a delicate tact , a pervading yet quiet assiduity , like the magic touchings with which a painter finishes up a favorite picture
欹斜之树须正,修枝去叶,删繁就简,所得可谓奉若至宝;枝叶婆娑,花叶相映,令人赏心悦目;坡草青青,宛若天鹅绒地毯,光滑细腻;茂林之中偶露一隙,远处蓝天隐约可见,或现一池春水,碧波荡漾? ?凡此种种,皆为人工造化,润物无声,犹如画师当其画稿杀青之际得一神来之笔,浑然天成。