大瘟热 meaning in Chinese
- Wherefore , protective vaccines based on cross - reactive regions of aids viruses can provide broad immunity , and may be useful against viruses that are currently evolving in a new host , such as hiv infection of humans , yamamoto said
一些单独的病毒的混合,已经成功做成对抗病毒的疫苗,譬如像人类的天花,是相同的亚科病毒,是利用牛痘病毒做成的,而且人类的麻疹为小狗的大瘟热疫苗。 - Some compounds made from separate virus strains have been successfully used in vaccines against viruses from the same subfamily , such as smallpox in humans , which is made from cowpox virus , and human measles vaccines for canine distemper in puppies