
圭角 meaning in Chinese



  1. However , the area was late explored that not until the 24 th year of emperor s chiseling s reign did kuoliu for fuchien province came to farm in ta lun chiao and build five thatched cottages in the northeast ( houwei ) , namely the earliest wu chien tso , which were unfortunately burnt into ash in kuichiao incident occurring in the 10 th year of emperor taokuang s reign of the great ching dynasty when the officials fought with the bandits

Related Words

  1. 扎圭
  2. 桑圭
  3. 雄圭
  4. 木圭
  5. 圭造
  6. 圭太
  7. 伦圭
  8. 圭健
  9. 马隆圭
  10. 阿伯圭辛
  11. 圭健
  12. 圭姜
  13. 圭介
  14. 圭久
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