
唬骗 meaning in Chinese



  1. The “ right ” direction is not always the desired direction , however
    受到祈祷的人唬骗,外交,搜集信息鉴定各2 ,各种表演鉴定上3 。
  2. An affected ally receives a + 2 bonus on all bluff , diplomacy , and gather information checks , and a + 3 bonus on all perform checks
    受到祈祷的人唬骗,外交,搜集信息鉴定各2 ,各种表演鉴定上3 。
  3. “ the ranger gains a + 2 bonus on bluff , listen , sense motive , spot , and survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type
  4. Due to her extensive study of her foes and training with the proper techniques for combating them , the slayer gains a + 1 bonus on bluff , listen , sense motive , spot , and wilderness lore checks when using these skills against illithids
    由于在长期对这种敌人的研究以及为对抗这种敌人而进行的特殊训练,杀戮者对抗灵吸怪时在“唬骗” 、 “聆听” 、 “察言观色” 、 “侦察” 、以及“野外求生”技能检定上有+ 1加值。

Related Words

  1. 冲唬
  2. 唬唬的叫声
  3. 飞唬验
  4. 唬嘴流量计
  5. 印刷唬样
  6. 唬起嘴脸
  7. 发动唬正装置
  8. 被轰唬子
  9. 唬嘴通气器
  10. 唬唬的叫声
  11. 唬弄
  12. 唬起嘴脸
  13. 唬嘴流量计
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