同义词词典 meaning in Chinese
- It can improve the efficiency of the retrieval . finally , this thesis provides concept association based on the algorithm of synonyms recognition
同义词的自动发现和识别,可以用于扩充同义词词典,提高同义词扩展检索的检准率和检全率。 - Comparing word sense based language model to other language models , the experiments based on the corpus of trec shows that wslm method has a better performance than the traditional td - idf method . if a more powerful word sense disambiguation tool is used , the result could be improved . in the retrieval results re - ranking part , we use a combination method which combines the retrieval results of different system by linear interpolation
在基于词义语言模型的信息检索研究中,介绍了同义词词典的词义表示方法,在实验中使用trec语料把基于词义的语言模型并与其他语言模型进行了比较,实验表明,基于词义的语言模型方法要好于传统的td - idf方法,如果有更加精准的词义消歧工具,实验结果还会有进一步提高。