
合伙解散 meaning in Chinese

dissolution of partnership
partnership dissolution
termination of the partnership


  1. Right to wind up unless otherwise agreed the partners who have not wrongfully dissolved the partnership or the legal representative of the last surviving partner , not bankrupt , has the right to wind up the partnership affairs ; provided , however , that any partner , his legal representative or his assignee , upon case shown , may obtain winding up by the court
  2. Causes of dissolution dissolution is caused : ( 1 ) without violation of the agreement between the partners , by the termination of the definite term of particular undertaking specified in the agreement ; by the express will of any partner when no definite term or particular undertaking is specified , by the express will of all the partners who have not assigned their interests or suffered them to be charged for their separate debts , either before or after the termination of any specified term or particular undertaking , by the expulsion of any partner from the business bona fide in accordance with such a power conferred by the agreement between the partners ; ( 2 ) in contravention of the agreement between the partners , where the circumstances do not permit a dissolution under any other provision of this section , by the express will of any partner at any time ; by any event which makes it unlawful for the business of the partnership to be carried on or for the members to carry it on in partnership ; by the death of any partner ; by the bankruptcy of any partner or the partnership ; by decree of court under section 32
    第三十一条合伙解散的原因下列情形发生时,合伙应当解散: ( 1 )当合伙人之间的协议未被违反时,合伙协议约定的经营期限或者特定项目届满,合伙协议没有约定经营期限或者特定项目,但某合伙人已明确表示不愿继续经营合伙业务,在约定的经营期限或特定项目届满之前或之后,所有未将其合伙利益进行分配或以其合伙利益偿还其个人债务的合伙人明确表示不愿继续经营合伙业务,根据合伙人之间的协议授予的权力基于诚信将任一合伙人从合伙事务中除名; ( 2 )当合伙人之间的协议被违反时,若当时的情形不允许根据本条规定解散合伙时,任一合伙人随时明确表示不愿继续经营合伙事务;使合伙事务的继续经营或合伙人继续合伙成为非法的任何事件;任一合伙人的死亡;任一合伙人或合伙组织的破产;根据本法第32条中规定的法院做出的判决。
  3. Accrual of action the right to an account of his interest shall accrue to any partner , or his legal representative , as against the winding up partners or the surviving partners or the person or partnership continuing the business , at the date of dissolution , in the absence of any agreement to contrary

Related Words

  1. 解散托拉斯的人
  2. 临时合伙
  3. 合伙律师
  4. 合伙营养
  5. 合伙商品
  6. 合伙的
  7. 合伙财产
  8. 或合伙
  9. 合伙行骗
  10. 民事合伙
  11. 合伙寄销, 联合寄销
  12. 合伙教师(两名半日教师作为一名全日教师用)
  13. 合伙解散的商誉法
  14. 合伙经营
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