
右半部分 meaning in Chinese

right half part


  1. He noted that since the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right half of the body , and vice versa , the brain damage must have been in the brain ' s left hemisphere
  2. When you select this sign , all subsequent lines up to the matching closing brace collapse under the top - most line of this section , and a plus - sign symbol appears
    选择此符号时,该行以下一直到含有匹配的大括号右半部分( " } " )的行中所有的行都会被折叠到此代码段的最顶行之下,同时出现一个加号( + ) 。
  3. When you select this sign , all subsequent lines up to the matching closing brace collapse under the top - most line of the subsection , and a plus - sign symbol appears
    选择此符号时,该行以下一直到含有匹配的大括号右半部分( " } " )的行中所有的行都会被折叠到此子代码段的第一行之下,同时出现一个加号( + ) 。
  4. As to the tunnels of jinping hydroelectric power station in sicuan province , the thesis discusses how to reasonably consider the initial stress field when designing a large - scale tunnel with high initial stress and deep buried . first , by analyzing of the rock lab tests and discusses the feature of regional geomorphology . explains the production of initial stress field , analyze the initial stress of jinping hydroelectric power station ; second , using the fem , the paper creates the real model of region . according to the results of stress measurement point , by combining of ann and fem to decide the boundary condition , the paper calculates the initial stress field ; at last , the paper analyzes the influence of the initial stress field formed from different condition on the deformation and stress of the surrounding rock , and the main factor to influence the initial stress . on the basis of the former work , the author proposes some proposals , which will be helpful for studying and designing of the similar undergroun d engineering
  5. In one process of combination , the euclidean distances between 3n pairs of points need to be computed , so the overall complexity of computing distance is then 3n - lg n . since the computation of distance is more costly compared with other basic operation , how to improve sh algorithm from the aspect of complexity of computing distance is considered
    对带左半部分内的每个点,算法需要考虑带右半部分内的至多6个点,假设平面上点的个数为n ,该算法在归并时最坏情况下需要求出3n对点对之间的距离,从而整个算法计算距离的复杂度为3n lg n 。

Related Words

  1. 右右
  2. 右瓣叶
  3. 右半边牛胴
  4. 右半侧心脏
  5. 右半场
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