
可逆变化 meaning in Chinese

restorable change
reversible change


  1. And it requires few power and can continually change its state which is reversible . it is a kind of ideal control device to implement semi - active control . the technology correlated to mr is gradually set store by people , and it is gradually applied to practical project from theoretical research in lab
  2. This paper presents an adaptive control for the semi - active suspension using the combination of mr damper and feedback neural networks . analyzing the mr damper , a smart actuator , chapter 3 gives the design of pre - amplifier of current , which provides the external magnetic field . and it discusses the additional nonlinear stiffness resulted from the transition of mr fluid from liquid to semi - solid or solid

Related Words

  1. 可逆
  2. 可逆压缩
  3. 可逆程序
  4. 可逆变换器
  5. 可逆序
  6. 可逆传动
  7. 可逆原理
  8. 可逆循环
  9. 可逆型
  10. 可逆律
  11. 可逆泵
  12. 可逆编码
  13. 可逆变换
  14. 可逆变换器
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