卸载点 meaning in Chinese
debarkation point
emptying point
tipping point
unloading point
- On the basis of the research by former people , the work of this paper includes several aspects as follow : throughout a great deal of experiment of the mechanics performance of 2d weave c / sic composite materials laminated plate , we simulated the nonlinear relationship between a and e in the tensile course ; and we inspected the original damages and the damages evolvement ; and we made the statistic analyses of the tensile strength . some important conclusions have been given in the paper
主要有以下几个方面:在大量二维编织c sic复合材料力学常规性能的实验基础上得到了拉伸实验中卸载点和卸载模量,卸载模量和加载斜率,加载斜率和应力等之间的关系,并在此基础上得到了模拟同种材料拉伸曲线的非线性的应力?应变关系;配合我们的实验过程进行初始损伤和缺陷的检测以及实验过程中材料损伤演化过程的动态无损检测;对我们现有的二维编织c sic复合材料拉伸强度数据进行了分布拟合。