北乡 meaning in Chinese
a surname 短语和例子
- I was told by the native hakka in liuyang that most of the hakkaer in liuyang county are progeny of immigrants from the neighboring jiangxi province as a midway initially from guangdong or fujian at the junture of ming and qing dynasty . the total number of hakkaer in liuyang are about 200 , 000 in rough reckoning , distributed around eastern and northen towns of this county
据调查了解,浏阳的客家人大多都是在明末清初迁来的,这是客家人的第四次迁徙的分支之一,大多都是以江西为跳板来到这里的,现在分布在浏阳的客家人有二十多个乡镇大约有二十多万,主要集中在东乡和北乡(在浏阳是按照东西南北来划分的) 。