
加工公差 meaning in Chinese

machining allowance
machining tolerance


  1. Typical machining tolerances on this table, which was designated as model a, were in the range of 0.001 to 0.0001 inch .
  2. 08 . 03 practice for molding and machining tolerances for ptfe resin parts
  3. Typical machining tolerances on this table , which was designated as model a , were in the range of 0 . 001 to 0 . 0001 inch
    这种后来定名为a型的转台,其典型零件加工公差在0 001到0 0001时之间。

Related Words

  1. 对准公差
  2. 图解公差
  3. 公差等级
  4. 制作公差
  5. 角度公差
  6. 标注公差
  7. 闭合公差
  8. 总和公差
  9. 定位公差
  10. 位置公差
  11. 加工工艺学
  12. 加工工作量
  13. 加工规格说明书
  14. 加工过程
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