制造目的 meaning in Chinese
manufacturing purpose
- Sunwrath is a + 1 disruption quarterstaff with several powers that make for the bread and butter of any vampire hunter ' s magical arsenal
不管这法杖的制造者是谁,什么年代住在什么地方,但它的唯一制造目的? ?清理全世界的吸血鬼? ?却是毋庸置疑的。 - Whoever its creator was , or whenever he lived and in which place , this staff was nonetheless clearly build for only one purpose - clearing the world of vampires
不管这法杖的制造者是谁,什么年代住在什么地方,但它的唯一制造目的? ?清理全世界的吸血鬼? ?却是毋庸置疑的。