
分析点 meaning in Chinese

aanalysis point


  1. The file contains a reparse point , which is a block of user - defined data associated with a file or a directory
  2. We greatly accelerated the time required to reach our goals and enabled the integrated performance test team to achieve additional product performance and scalability analysis points
  3. Simply connect the camera to a pc or a monitor and produce high - quality real - time radiometric images . the camera can be fully controlled either from the pc or with the integrated keyboard
    软件方便功能强大的数字存储测量和分析包, a20m能在一幅图像中实时的分析超过19000的独立的温度分析点
  4. The conclusions are as follows : the ultrasonic intensity is proportion to the laser intensity ; the ultrasonic induced by a laser line source has much more advantages than by a laser point source , such as stronger energy , higher snr , more directivity and shape ; the intensity of cfpi ' s output signal is linear with ultrasonic vibration velocity , and is effected by incidence angle and scattered angle ; snr will increase by reducing cfpi ' s bandwidth , reducing incidence angle , increasing cavity ' s length and reflectivity
    分析点光源激励声表面波机理的基础上,求出了线光源激励的超声振动的位移表达式,发现线光源激励的近场区表面波具有波形好,信噪比高,指向性好,幅度强等特点。通过理论推导,得出共焦fabry - perot干涉仪的输出光强除了与样品表面的振动速度成正比,并与入射角和散射角有关;适当减小cfpi的带宽,增加腔长,增大镜面反射率,或者减小检测入射角都可以提高系统的信噪比。
  5. And lake is just represented the joint of " the most two " . the task , on the lahe - - analyzing based on the system of legislation , is one of the cross - subject study from the legislative system by the theory of pedagogy and law . therefore the study can wide not only the view of the comparative higher education , but also to our use for reference
    “美国高等教育立法研究? ?基于立法制度的透析”这一课题,便是运用教育学和法学的理论,从立法制度来对美国高等教育立法进行跨学科研究;这不仅可以拓展比较高等教育的理论视野,而且所选择的立法制度分析点也有助于形成对我国有益的借鉴。

Related Words

  1. 分析地球化学
  2. 分析地图
  3. 分析电镜
  4. 分析电镜技术
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