农业总收入 meaning in Chinese
total farm receipts
- There are two driving factors which are population density ( x1 ) and gdp ( x2 ) . from spatial analysis , another regression equation showing spatial scale land use change is established . 11 spatial driving factors are derived from 47 indexes , that are x1 slope ( % ) , x2 organic matter ( % ) , x3 soil available n ( g / kg ) , x4 soil available p ( g / kg ) , x5 soil texture ( 1 - 4 ) , x6 production value in unit area of arable land / production value in unit area of other land , x7 production value in planting industry / production value in whole agricultural industries ( % ) , x8 average farmer income from agricultural industries / farmer whole income ( % ) , x9 average farmer income from planting industry , x10 crop yield of average farmer , x11 population density
邯郸地区耕地变化时间和空间驱动因素分析表明:耕地面积的变化驱动因子为x1人口密度和x2人均gdp ;空间上经逻辑斯谛( logistic )回归分析,从47个驱动因素中发现11个决定耕地空间分配的驱动因素: x1为地表坡度( ) , x2为有机质含量( ) , x3为土壤有效氮含量( g kg ) , x4为土壤有效磷含量( ykg ) , xs为土壤质地, x6为农地单位面积产值非农地单位面积产值, x7为种植业产值l农业总产值( ) , xs为农民人均农业总收入农民人均总收入( ) , xg为农民人均种植业收人, x10为人均粮食产量, xll为人口密度,并建立回归方。