
全厚 meaning in Chinese



  1. All three ? scalp thick skin grafts : the use of scalp transplant
  2. Research of over load and over high temperature ' s impact on the total thickness track test
  3. Section two the evaluation of biocompatibility of the acellular dermal matrix by the method of cell culture . the new born rat ' s epdermic cells were cultured with the acellular dermal matrix together as experiment group , while the epdermic cell were cultured simply as control . 24 hours later , under the invert microscope , the epidermic cells anchored well and transparent flat cells were observed in both groups . 7 days later , both cultured cells were taked out and fixed in 95 % ethanol , stained with hematoxylin and were observed under light microscope . many cleaved cells were observed in both groups . during cell culture , no pathogenic microganism was observed . so we considered the acellular dermal matrix was aseptic and had good biocompatibility . section three subdermal implantation of the acellular dermal matrix . 24 rats were used in the experiments . a piece of acellular dermal matrix ( 1 . 5 x 1 . 5cm2 ) was implanted beneath the dorsum skin flaps of each rat , 1 week , 2 weeks , 3 weeks and 4 weeks after implantation , 6 pieces of acellular dermal matrix were harvested and the size of implanted acellular dermal matrix were measured , the sections were used for he staining and observed under light microscope . the result were as folio wing : 1 - 2 weeks after implantation , the acellular dermal matrix began to adhere to the tissue around and turned red gradually ; 3 - 4weeks after implantation , the acellular dermal matrix adhered closely to the tissue around and could be recognized easily , 1 - 3 weeks after implantation , the size of implanted acellular dermal matrix had no statistical difference ( p > 0 . 05 ) . 4 weeks after implantation implanted acellular dermal matrix contracted ( p < 0 . 05 ) . under light microscope , l - 2weeks after implantation , the fibroblast cells infiltrated the acellular dermal matrix and a small amount endothelial cells of vessel and lympho - histiocytic cells infiltrated the acellular dermal matrix . 3 - 4 weeks after implantation , infiltrating blood vessels were evident . so we think that the acellular dermal matrix had low immunological reactions and could induce the infiltration of fibroblast macrophage cell and the endothelial cells of vessel
    结果如下:皮下包埋卜周者,无细胞真皮基质渐与周围组织粘附,颜色由苍白转红;皮下包埋3周者,无细胞真皮基质与周围组织紧密枯附,盾晰叶辩;术后卜周,包埋的基质面积变化较包埋前无统计学差异o川0引,术后4周包埋的无细胞真皮基质面积较包埋前缩小j刃刀5 ) 。光镜下术后卜周,宿主的淋巳组织细胞、成纤维细胞浸入生长,釉附在胶原纤维上,少量血管内皮细胞浸入基质;术后34周,无细胞真皮基质内较多的血管形成,故可认为无细胞真皮基质免疫原性低,能诱导宿主的成纤维细胞、巨噬细胞浸入生长,为一种新型的真皮替代物。第四部分无细胞真皮基质与自体断层皮片复合移棺的研究, sd大鼠10只,在其背部卜方造成全厚皮肤缺损的创面
  4. The treatment of extensive deep burn wound is mainly by transplantation of razor - thin graft or split - thickness skin autograft in clinic . but the lack of dermis makes the wound heal with scarring and contraction . we can prepare a new kind of acellular dermal matrix ( adm ) by the method of naoh - maceration . first the acellular dermal matrix became vascularized within 3 weeks after implantation into full thickness skin defects in sd rats , then auto - split - thickness skin was overlaid on it . by animal experiments , we observed that the new kind of composite skin can reduce scarring and contraction of transplantation of razor - thin or split - thickness skin autograft
    目前在临床上治疗大面积深度烧伤的方法是移植刃厚或断层自体皮,但因缺乏足够的真皮成分,常造成疤痕和挛缩,本实验用naoh消蚀法研制出一种新的真皮基质( adm ) ,先将其移植于全厚皮肤缺损的大鼠背部创面,外覆盖辐照猪皮保护3周,使其血管化,再在其上移植断层自体皮,经动物实验我们观察到这种新型复合皮肤,可以减少单纯移植刃厚或断层自体皮造成疤痕和挛缩。
  5. Section four study on composite graft of acellular dermal matrix with auto - split - thickness skin . 10 sd rats were used in the experiments . in experimental group , the acellular dermal matrix were transplanted to sd rat ' s full thickness skin defect wounds of dorsothoracic and it ' s surface is covered with irradiation pigskin
    Scm2 ) ,将无细胞真皮基质移植其上,外用辐照猪皮覆盖保护,使其血管化后在其上移植自体断层皮片,为实验组:在大鼠背部下方造成全厚皮肤缺损的创面门

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