
保健提供者 meaning in Chinese

health care provider
healthcare provider


  1. Based in part on experience in europe , where all four stents and several others are on the market and prices have fallen below $ 1 , 000 for drug - coated devices , some health care providers hope that the new devices will lead both to improved outcomes for patients and a price war

Related Words

  1. 老年保健
  2. 保健部门
  3. 保健罐头
  4. 欧洲保健
  5. 消费者保健
  6. 孕期保健
  7. 轩保健
  8. 视力保健
  9. 保健科学
  10. 保健福利计划
  11. 保健所
  12. 保健态度量表
  13. 保健体操
  14. 保健体育活动
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