依止 meaning in Chinese
- He is an ideal spiritual inspiration for everyone throughout the ages
时至今日他已成为千万信徒所依止的对象。 - The inequality , the lack of control and the suffering we see in this world
在修习金刚萨?法门时我们强烈依止四忏悔力:一 - They are not sure if the 16th karmapa has reincarnated and returned to the human realm
他认为反正我依止第16世大宝法王好了。 - Superb in protection from outer interferences as he is a direct emanation of lord manjushri
由于?在护法里占有崇高的地位依止?的修行人自然同时受到其他护法的庇护。 - Practice to him ensures faster recovery from illnesses , the blessing of medicines , strength and clarity of the mind to bring you peace in your heart