
位移增量 meaning in Chinese

displacement increment
increment of displacement


  1. An inner iterative incremental displcacement procedure on the basis of the harmonization of the deformation amid the displacement function , and an inner iterative incremental load procedure cmi the basis of tile dispacement function and the improved arc - length method are proposed

Related Words

  1. 增量绘图仪
  2. 缓冲器位移
  3. 位移抑制
  4. 偏航位移
  5. 位移开关
  6. 相位位移
  7. 位移计数器
  8. 固态位移
  9. 初始位移
  10. 位移律
  11. 位移晕
  12. 位移噪声
  13. 位移张量
  14. 位移照相机
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