
传递邮件 meaning in Chinese

mail transfer: m/t


  1. Moving the email into the pickup directory for iis , which then delivers the message
    将电子邮件移到iis的拾取目录中, iis然后将传递邮件
  2. If the " standard system " is installed , the installer sets up a basic configuration for the system s mail server which will only provide for local e - mail delivery
  3. The ibm http server , an open source web server powered by apache , provides the http service required to access the messaging mail files and other workplace files via a web browser
    Ibm http server是一个由apache驱动的开放源代码的web服务器,提供了通过web浏览器访问消息传递邮件文件和其他workplace文件时必要的http服务。

Related Words

  1. 挂号邮件号码
  2. 文件传递
  3. 噪声传递
  4. 传递模
  5. 新闻传递
  6. 远洋传递
  7. 信号传递
  8. 传递透过
  9. 传递简约
  10. 信息传递
  11. 传递引绳
  12. 传递应力
  13. 传递语句
  14. 传递元件
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