以弱胜强 meaning in Chinese
the weak overcame the strong.; a weak force overcame a powerful opponent.; defeat a strong and superior force with a weak and backward force; defeat the strong by the weak; fight against longer odds
- Guns as parner one man battle 2
Iii .近身杀战以弱胜强 - It ’ s that the weak winning the strong is conditioned that it has its law to be found and studied
正因为以弱胜强是受一定条件制约的,它才是有规律可寻的,才是可以认识和利用的。 - The reason that the weak inverses to the strong is that the new has new essence and broad developing room
以弱胜强之所以可能,就在于弱者,或者曰新生事物具有新质和发展的空间。 - China , later tang dynasty , 10th century . at the eve of the chong yang festival , golden flowers fill up the imperial palace . the emperor returns unexpe . .
武学之中,太极拳是发展人类本能和潜质的一种表现形式,强调"以弱胜强" , "以柔制刚" ,人人可学,学之有用,用之有益