以书信形式 meaning in Chinese
by letter
- Applications should be made by letter , giving details of personal particulars , education , present and previous employment and substantive salary as at 1 november 2005 together with a completed form gf340 ( rev 12004 ) which is obtainable from any public enquiry service centre of district office , home affairs department , or any job centre of the employment services division , labour department
申请人须以书信形式详列个人资料、学历、目前及以往的就业详情及于二零零五年十一月一日的实职薪金,并连同填妥的通用表格第gf340号( rev . 12004 )提出申请。表格可向民政事务总署各区民政事务处谘询服务中心或劳工处就业科各就业中心索取,亦可从公务员事务局网页( http : www