人均期望寿命 meaning in Chinese
average life expectancy
- In 2002 , the personal spentable average income was 11500 yuan ; the peasant personal average net income is 5532 yuan ; the city ' s personal average bank saving balance is 13130 yuan ; the engel quotiety is 37 . 9 % and 38 . 9 % respectively for city and township residents ; the living condition and the health of residents are improving ; the personal average expected age is 75 . 4
全市居民人均储蓄存款余额为13130元,城镇和农村居民恩格尔系数分别为37 . 9 %和38 . 9 % ,人居环境不断改善,健康水平逐年提高,人均期望寿命达到75 . 4岁。