人力训练 meaning in Chinese
manpower training
- To promote ngos joint efforts in enhancing sector - wide human capital development and to identify common competency requirements and manpower training needs ,
社联与机构合力发展人力资源,为了辨识机构会员所需的共通能力和人力训练需求,社联进行 - To promote ngos joint efforts in enhancing sector - wide human capital development and to identify common competency requirements and manpower training needs ,
社联与机构合力发展人力资源,为了辨识机构会员所需的共通能力和人力训练需求,社联进行 - To further enhance ngo s capacity , the joint business improvement project and core applications project were implemented , along with other management training and knowledge enhancement programmes . in addition , an agency - based training needs analysis and agency members salary benefits survey were conducted to identify common manpower training needs and the recent human resources trends of the sector
为了进一步提升机构的能力,我们推行联合业务改进计划、资讯科技核心应用系统计划,以及管理及知识提升课程,并向机构进行训练需求分析及社会福利界薪酬水平调查,辨识业界的人力训练需求,以及最新的人力资源发展趋势。 - To further enhance ngo s capacity , the joint business improvement project and core applications project were implemented , along with other management training and knowledge enhancement programmes . in addition , an agency - based training needs analysis and agency members salary & benefits survey were conducted to identify common manpower training needs and the recent human resources trends of the sector