
人力训练 meaning in Chinese

manpower training


  1. To promote ngos joint efforts in enhancing sector - wide human capital development and to identify common competency requirements and manpower training needs ,
  2. To promote ngos joint efforts in enhancing sector - wide human capital development and to identify common competency requirements and manpower training needs ,
  3. To further enhance ngo s capacity , the joint business improvement project and core applications project were implemented , along with other management training and knowledge enhancement programmes . in addition , an agency - based training needs analysis and agency members salary benefits survey were conducted to identify common manpower training needs and the recent human resources trends of the sector
  4. To further enhance ngo s capacity , the joint business improvement project and core applications project were implemented , along with other management training and knowledge enhancement programmes . in addition , an agency - based training needs analysis and agency members salary & benefits survey were conducted to identify common manpower training needs and the recent human resources trends of the sector

Related Words

  1. 现有人力
  2. 人力银行
  3. 人力钻机
  4. 人力固结
  5. 康复人力
  6. 人力技术
  7. 人力清单
  8. 人力司
  9. 人力支付
  10. 人力过剩
  11. 人力需求规划
  12. 人力需求预测
  13. 人力压辊
  14. 人力压路机
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