五加皮 meaning in Chinese
acanthopanax bark
cortex acanthopanacis radicis
cortex periplocae
root-bark of chinese silkvine
slenderstyle acanthopanax root-bark
slenderstyle acanthopenax bark
wu chia pee
- Shan be , li qx , liang wj , et al . experimental study on anti - tumor effects of cortex acanthopanacis senticosus in vivo and in vitro . chin j integr tradit chin west med 2004 ; 24 ( 1 ) 55 ? 58
3单保恩,李巧霞,梁文杰,等.中药五加皮的抗肿瘤作用体内外实验研究.中国中西医结合杂志2004 ; 24 ( 1 ) 55 ? 58