二十四节气 meaning in Chinese
the 24 solar terms (立春 the beginning of spring; 雨水 rain water; 惊蛰 the waking of insects; 春分 the spring equinox; 清明 pure brightness; 谷雨 grain rain; 立夏 the beginning of summer; 小满 grain full; 芒种 grain in ear; 夏至 the summer solstice; 小暑 slight heat; 大暑 great heat; 立秋 the beginning of autumn; 处暑the limit of heat; 白露 white dew; 秋分 the autumnal equinox; 寒露 cold dew; 霜降 frost's descent; 立冬 the beginning of winter; 小雪 slight snow; 大雪 great snow; 冬至 the winter solstice; 小寒 slight cold; 大寒 great cold)
- To know more about chinese feasts of the 4 seasons related to the chinese calendar , the
如果您想了解更多有关中国阴历一年四季二十四节气的排列和日子,我 - Solar terms are in general named according to the astronomical phenomena , climatological characteristics or agricultural activities prevalent at the respective times of the seasons
由于二十四节气大致反映了中原地区一年内不同季节的变化,所以与古代农业有十分密切的关系。 - The chinese calendar s 24 solar terms , which are believed to originate from the yellow river region , is a special calendar invented by the ancient chinese based on knowledge in astronomy , climatology and agricultural meteorology