为了统计 meaning in Chinese
for statistical purposes
- Non - personally identifiable information such as internet address and pages accessed is used to help us determine statistical trends such as how many hits our website has attained , how many people frequent our website on a regular basis , which pages are most popular and what time of day people tend to visit our website etc . such information will help us monitor our website and its performance
本网站所收集之非个人识别资料,例如所浏览网站地址及所存取网页,是为了统计用途,以监察网站被浏览的次数、被重覆浏览的频密程度、最受欢迎的网页及最多浏览的时段等。 - Non - personally identifiable information such as internet address and pages accessed is used to help us determine statistical trends such as how many hits our website has attained , how many people frequent our website on a regular basis , which pages are most popular and what time of day people tend to visit our website etc . such information will help us monitor our website and its performance