中东日报 meaning in Chinese
al asharq al awsat
al sharq al-awsat
al-shark al-awsat
asharq al awsat al
chark al-awsat
sharq al-awsat al
- Last month it issued an english - language video on the internet called jihad hidden camera which showed sniping and bombing attacks against u . s . forces in iraq , and carried comical sound effects as well as laugh tracks
据报道,在伦敦出版的阿拉伯文报纸《中东日报》日前透露, “基地”组织声称有“职位空缺” ,需要人手制作视频节目和编辑文字等工作,以帮助该组织在网上报道伊拉克、巴勒斯坦和其他武装冲突地区的情况。 - The london - based asharq al - awsat said on its web site this week that al qaeda had " vacant positions " for video production and editing statements , footage and international media coverage about militants in iraq , the palestinian territories , chechnya and other conflict zones where militants are active
据路透社10月7日报道,在伦敦出版的阿拉伯文报纸中东日报日前透露, “基地”组织声称有“职位空缺” ,需要人手制作视频节目和编辑文字等工作,以帮助该组织在网上报道伊拉克巴勒斯坦和其他武装冲突地区的情况。