
业务指标 meaning in Chinese

operational indicator


  1. For the rest of 2006 , the hkmc will strive to meet its business targets and continue to meet the needs of the banking sector and the homeowners , and promote the development of the debt market
  2. Mrs lee joined the hong kong tourism board in 1986 and now holds the position of deputy executive director . as well as serving as the deputy to the executive director , mrs lee also oversees the corporate support and human resource divisions of the hktb . the functions directly reporting to mrs lee include financial management , information systems , business process management , business performance monitoring , legal , human resources , industry training and special projects arising from time to time
  3. This essay first begins with the importance of phony credit card business in banking development , analyzes the indexes of credit card business in current situation vertically and horizontally , including the amount of cards , the amount of tractions and the indexes of overdrafts , explains the characteristics and problems of the phony credit card development in chengdu . secondly , it hopes to find the relationship between the credit card holders ’ s demographic and their dealing behaviors in chengdu by analyzing the new holders ’ behaviors 2 months after january , 2005 with several examples . it explores this reason from the facto of individual behavior
  4. During recent years , under the positive push of the “ golden card engineering ” and the “ web - based universalizing ” , the phony credit card business in chengdu arrives at the best level in history . however , there are many problems in actual operation and management from both subjective cognition and objective facts . the emergency problem for icbc chengdu branch is how to expand its market share and how to get more profit by decreasing the operation cost

Related Words

  1. 假定指标
  2. 雷达指标
  3. 经营指标
  4. 倒指标
  5. 带宽指标
  6. 生物学指标
  7. 发光指标
  8. 创新指标
  9. 摆动指标
  10. 指标林
  11. 业务职业交易
  12. 业务直接报告给公司总经理
  13. 业务指导
  14. 业务指定面向连接协议
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