不敢入睡 meaning in Chinese
fear of sleep
- After i got to shore and had escap d drowning , instead of being thankful to god for my deliverance , having first vomited with the great quantity of salt water which was gotten into my stomach , and recovering my self a little , i ran about the shore , wringing my hands and beating my head and face , exclaiming at my misery , and crying out , i was undone , undone , till tyr d and faint i was forc d to lye down on the ground to repose , but durst not sleep for fear of being devour d
例如,我在日记中一定会这样写: "九月三十日,我没被淹死,逃上岸来,吐掉了灌进胃里的大量海水,略略苏醒了过来。这时,我非但不感谢上帝的救命之恩,反而在岸上胡乱狂奔,又是扭手,又是打自己的头和脸,大叫大嚷自己的不幸,不断地叫嚷着我完了,我完了!直至自己精疲力尽,才不得不倒在地上休息,可又不敢入睡,唯恐被野兽吃掉。