上县 meaning in Chinese
- Clairvoyance of contemporary rural residents conception of filial piety - culture of filial piety investigation at the third production group beimen avenue wenshang town of wenshang country
汶上县汶上镇北门大街第三生产小组孝文化调查 - This paper , in connection with relevant historical documents , analyzes the unearthed documents and studies the ranking of the gaochang county in terms of the numbers of district and township , number of registered household , officials ' disposition , correspondence between prestige title and functioning official , etc
摘要史籍中唯有《新唐书?地理志四》和《元和郡县图志》记载了唐西州各县的等级,但二书所载不同,前者记高昌县为下县,后者载为上县。 - Districts ) and ambulatory units have popularized 9 - year compulsory education . the population coverage rate of the 9 - year compulsory education has come to 52 . 5 % . the enrollment rate of secondary school also increased from 70 % in the early 1990s to 82 . 4 % , the outcome is inspiring . but at the same time we must notice that the large amount of dropout student in rural junior schools are now troubling the development of rural education ! since 1996 , the situation of dropout of rural junior school student kept deteriorating , and the tendency of it will be worse . the dropout rate of some areas have come to more than 20 %
“从1980年到1996年,小学学龄儿童入学率从93上升到98 . 6 ,小学毕业生升学率从75 . 9升至92 . 6 , 1996年,全国已有92以上的人口的地区普及了小学教育,在全国2400多上县(市、区)中,已有1482个县(市、区)和行政区划单位普及了九年义务教育,九年义务教育的人口覆盖率达到了52 . 5 ,初中阶段入学率也从90年代初期不到70提高到82 . 4 。 ”