
一般公 meaning in Chinese

conventional bus


  1. Rough castings of heavy metal alloys ; gravity die castings , general tolerances , machining allowances
  2. Files are encrypted by block cipher and keys used in encrypting are exchanged by ecdh system . thus two problems are solved , one is the inconvenience on encryption and decryption brought by the difficulty of key distribution in conventional crypt systems , the other is the slow rate of encryption and decryption in common public key systems
  3. To ensure that valuable public housing resources are used on families in genuine need , we will continue to combat abuses . meanwhile , we are also actively examining measures to shorten the flat vacancy period by , for instance , converting less popular housing for senior citizens flats to ordinary public rental flats and introducing express renovation arrangements to speed up the allocation process . 25

Related Words

  1. 一般用量
  2. 一般人
  3. 一般授权
  4. 一般常数
  5. 一般工作人员
  6. 一般订货
  7. 一般对数
  8. 一般利润率
  9. 一般建议
  10. 一般醚
  11. 一般供应舰
  12. 一般供应科
  13. 一般公差
  14. 一般公共服务
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