yujiaxi meaning in Chinese
- Yujiaxi ( 1884 - 1955 ) is a famous documentationer in contemporary history of china , devoted all his life to teaching and academic research . his famous works , such as a study of bibliography , a distingish to four storroom books abstract , the notes and commentaries of sill shuo xin yu , the stylistic rules and layout of ancient books , a collection of yu jiaxi history paper , covered a wide field
余嘉锡( 1884 - 1955 )是我国现代著名的文献学家。他以毕生的精力致力于文献学的教学与研究。 《目录学发微》 、 《四库提要辨证》 、 《世说新语笺疏》 、 《古书通例》 、 《余嘉锡文史论集》等便是他所写的具有重要影响的著作。