weishaupt meaning in Chinese
- Max weishaupt gmbh is one of europe ' s leading manufacturers who produce burners and heating systems with high quality and low energy costing
麦克斯威索有限公司是欧洲领先的生产燃烧器和加热系统的制造厂商之一,其产品以质量高、耗能低而著称。 - Weishaupt products are composed of gas , oil and dual fuel burners with rating range between 10kw and 17 . 5 mw
威索燃烧器主要分为燃气型、燃油型和油气两用型三种,功率范围为10kw - 17 . 5mw ,适用于所有需经济、安全及低废气排放量运行的供热设备领域。 - As its only organization built in china , weishaupt shanghai rep . office is responsible for communication about gas & oil heating technology and marketing research