vagary meaning in Chinese
狂妄古怪的行为,异想天开;怪想,妄想,幻想;变幻莫测。 a vagary of fashion 古怪的时髦风气[时装式样]。
- The policy did not allow for the vagaries of nkruman .
这个政策并没有估计到恩克鲁玛的反复无常。 - Those are expressly designed to illustrate the vagaries of leibnizian notation .
那些是用来说明莱布尼兹记号的巧妙想法。 - The vagaries of inclement weather conditions are avoided to a certain extent .
可以在一定程度上避免变化莫测的恶劣气候影响。 - Agriculture in the twenty-first century will continue to be plagued by the vagaries of weather .
21世纪的农业将继续面临反复无常的气候灾害。 - The vagaries of collection over 12 hours are so great that shorter collecting periods are preferable .