sympetalous meaning in Chinese
- ( 4 ) the tubiform petal of p . suffruticosa andr . and paeonia lactiflora pall , is a special petal which only has been occurred in the highflower of pralification flower of the above two species . the petal is similar to corolla of some family of sympetalous dicotyledon in shape , however it has a more thin base and many different lobes in form and size
( 4 )在对台阁花型的研究中新发现了一种特殊的花瓣一筒状花瓣,它具有筒状结构,外形类似于一些合瓣花类植物的花冠,但筒的基部更细,向上变粗,口部边缘变化较大,具形状和大小各异的裂片,有的呈喇叭形,有的呈钟形,筒内壁上有时具一顶部游离的芒状物。