surely meaning in Chinese
的确,确实,无疑;必定,一定;稳当地,安全地;(回答)当然,好;〔古语〕是的,是那样的;不致于,未必。 Should you be willing to try - S-. 你愿意试一试吗? --好。 You surely don't mean to be cruel. 我想你总不致于要做残暴的事吧。 as surely as =as sure as. slowly but surely 稳扎稳打地,明确不移地。
- You surely do n't mean to be cruel .
我想你总不致于要做残暴的事吧。 - Surely the crown lawyers must prove that .
公诉律师肯定会证明这一点。 - Dr. james would surely be one of these .
詹姆斯大夫当然是其中之一。 - Surely your need isn't so pressing .
当然你的需要并不是那么迫切吧。 - "they are surely happy," said the prince .