puberulous meaning in Chinese
- Description : large evergreen trees to 30 m tall and 1 m in dbh ; twigs glabrous except grayish puberulous on nodes when young
形态特徵:常绿大乔木,高15 - 30米,胸径可达1米;小枝无毛,但嫩时芽及节上被灰褐色、平伏的微柔毛。 - Leaves alternate ; petioles short , puberulous ; blade leathery , elliptic to oblong , 6 - 12 cm long , 2 . 5 - 4 cm wide , apex acute or obtuse , base nearly rotund or slightly oblique
叶互生;叶柄短,被疏柔毛;叶片革质,椭圆形至长圆形,长6 - 12厘米,宽2 . 5 - 4厘米,顶端急尖或钝,基部近圆形或稍偏斜。