
parent-offspring meaning in Chinese



  1. Call for parent - offspring education
  2. On the causes of parent - offspring conflicts from the gender and non - gender perspective
  3. Parent - offspring perceptual similarity in family functioning and adolescents ' self - esteem
  4. Relationship between parent - offspring perceptual differences of family functioning and adolescents ' self - esteem
  5. Class a regressive model of quantitative trait assumes that sib - sib residual correlations are equal and determined by the parent - offspring correlation , class d regressive model assumes that the sibling correlations are equal , but not necessarily due to common parentage alone
    数量性状的复杂分离分析的a回归模型假定同胞与同胞之间的关联相等且完全由父母与子代的关联决定, d回归模型假定同胞与同胞之间的关联相等但并不仅仅由共同的父母决定。

Related Words

  1. offspring family
  2. parent
  3. parenting control
  4. destination parent
  5. parent plant
  6. parent index
  7. parent phase
  8. parent item
  9. parent building
  10. parent environment
  11. parent-investor
  12. parent-molecule ion
  13. parent-offspring correlation
  14. parent-offspring covariance
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