
osmiophilic meaning in Chinese

嗜锇的, 亲锇的


  1. During the process of senescence , the structural abnormality occurred firstly in chloroplast in which chloroplast grana disordered and stromal lamellae twisted and in which starch grains became bigger and osmiophilic granules increased , and then converged into bigger granules
  2. We also investigated the pathological changes of mouse liver , thymus and cerebrum cortex challenged by so2 inhalation by in vivo tests . we studied the apoptotic induction on mouse spleen cells and cytotoxicity of human embryo lung fibroblasts of so2 derivatives by in vitro tests . in vivo tests of sulfur dioxide inhalation showed : ( 1 ) effects on mouse lung of so2 challenge : we found no significant apoptotic changes induced by so2 inhalation but obvious pathological changes of lung with vacuolating of osmiophilic multilamellar bodies which maybe related with the decrease of surfacant and decrease of microvillus of type ii alveolar cells ; we also found thickening of part of basement lamina between type i alveolar cells and capillary endothelium cells which may inhibit the dispersion of oxygen and contribute to lung dysfunction
    二氧化硫熏气染毒的体内实验结果表明,在本次实验的浓度范围内( 56mg m ~ 3 、 112mg m ~ 3 、 168mg m ~ 3低、中、高三个浓度) : ( 1 )通过透射电镜、 dna凝胶电泳分析和流式细胞分析发现二氧化硫吸入染毒一周对小鼠肺脏没有明显的凋亡诱导作用,但通过透射电镜观察发现二氧化硫可引起肺脏明显的超微结构改变,引起型肺泡上皮细胞板层体空泡化,微绒毛减少,线粒体致密化或肿胀变性;肺泡血管内皮细胞和型肺泡上皮细胞之间基膜增厚,使氧气弥散功能出现障碍,从而降低肺功能。

Related Words

  1. osmiophilic granule
  2. osmiophilic platelet
  3. osmiophilic granules
  4. osmiophilic platelets
  5. osmiophilic cell
  6. osmiophilic globule
  7. osmiophilic stain reaction
  8. osmiophilic lamellar body
  9. osmiophilic lamellated inclusion
  10. osmiophilic multilamellar body
  11. osminski
  12. osmiophiiic multi1amellar body
  13. osmiophilic cell
  14. osmiophilic globule
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