
ncm meaning in Chinese



  1. This new learning institute offers intensive mandarin training with native speakers through programs designed for professionals and students who want to learn mandarin
  2. In your july 2005 issue of clevernews , you ran a news article announcing the launch ncm or new concept mandarin , which i understand , based on the story , is a physical learning center
    Clever ,在2005年7月份的clevernews中,你们发布了一条关于推出ncm (新概念中文)的新闻,据我的了解那也是一个学习中心。
  3. New concept mandarin general director larry mercado assures students that they will learn a lot as the ncm training center is very conducive to learning and features top - of - the - line facilities
  4. Acknowledging the importance of the chinese language in world business , ncm provides chinese language training for individuals and corporations as well as mandarin learning and chinese cultural orientation consulting services for business , authorities and schools
    意识到中文在国际商务中的重要性, ncm在为个人和公司提供中文语言培训的同时,还提供中国文化方面的咨询服务。
  5. New concept mandarin managing director fu xianling encouraged those who are interested in learning the language to visit the ncm cebu office for a free demo , consultation of training needs , online support , assessment , and customized course content
    Newconceptmandarin常务董事, fuxianling提议那些对学习中文感兴趣的人参观ncmcebu办公室上免费示范课程,对培训需求进行咨询,了解网络支持和课程内容。

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  12. ncm hersbit
  13. ncm network configuration manager
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