mbti meaning in Chinese
- Theory basis of mbti and its application for practice from research
人格类型量表的理论研究与实践应用 - The strong and mbti entrepreneur report , offered through career advisers and some sites , couples results on the myers - briggs test , a personality test used by career counselors , with your entrepreneurial aptitude
答案:目前的确有许多这样的测试。但值得争论的是,是否有一种测试能够真正的断定谁能成为一个有能力的企业家。 - The object of this thesis is to explore the structure of jung psychological type in chinese enterprises " employees and construct chinese vocational personality sorter ( cvps ) by testing repeatedly in employees of guangzhou enterprise . the pilot - tests are carried out by means of questionnaire which is designed on the basis of mbti ( myers - briggs type indicator )
本研究在借鉴mbti内容的基础上,通过问卷调查的方式,对中国广州地区企业人群进行反复预试,探索荣格心理类型在中国企业人群的因素结构,并建构中国人职业个性测量工具( cvps ) 。