
lutescens meaning in Chinese



  1. Assorted trees and flowers have been planted around the taxi - staging area creating a more relaxed and pleasant environment for all the taxi operators serving the airport users . 77 planters featuring ficus trees & juniperus and more than 200 chrysalidocarpus lutescens have been used for this particular landscaping
  2. 92 acclimatized ficus lyrata , ficus alii and chrysalidocarpus lutescens have been temporary placed along the northwest concourse to beautify the area until the completion of the programme . to provide a memorable travel experience for the departing passengers , specially designed planters to carry ficus trees will be added

Related Words

  1. chrysalidocarpus lutescens
  2. trigonostemon lutescens
  3. luterskie jezioro
  4. lutes
  5. lutescent
  6. lutescu
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