loosely-coupled meaning in Chinese
- Loosely - coupled systems offer several key advantages . they can
松散耦合系统有很多好处,包括: - This enables loosely - coupled , highly interactive applications
从而支持松耦合的、高度交互的应用程序。 - Good software engineering practice calls for systems to be loosely - coupled wherever possible
良好的软件工程实践要求在所有可能的地方使用松耦合的系统。 - This ensures that you have a nice , loosely - coupled application , regardless of how much control you have over things
无论您控制的范围有多大,这样做都可以保证应用程序是宽松耦合的。 - For purpose of loosely - coupling and reusability , a typical smf application is normally designed to have a toy - trick like structure
为了便于松耦合和再利用,典型的smf应用程序通常有一个类似于toy - trick的结构。