last-resort meaning in Chinese
- A possible last - resort attempt to rescue the six trapped miners in utah is too risky
拯救六名犹它被困矿工的可能的最后方案太危险。 - A possible last - resort attempt to rescue the six trapped miners in utah is too risky
搜救犹他州六名被困矿工的最终方案冒险性太大。 - A possible last - resort attempt to rescue the six trapped miners in utah is too risky
一种有可能解救那六名犹他州被困矿工的方法显得有点孤注一掷。 - A possible last - resort attempt to rescue the six trapped miners in utah is too risky
犹他州营救受困6名矿工的工作陷入困境,万不得已的尝试将面临极大风险。 - A possible last - resort attempt to rescue the six trapped miners in utah is too risky