lannes meaning in Chinese
- But the left flank , which consisted of the azovsky and podolosky infantry and the pavlograd hussars , was simultaneously attacked in front and surrounded by the cream of the french army under lannes , and was thrown into disorder
左翼是由亚速和波多尔斯克两个步兵团以及保罗格勒骠骑兵团所组成,但因法军拉纳带领的优势兵力的进攻和包抄而处于溃乱之中。 - No , but really the best part of the whole episode , he went on , his excitement subsiding under the interest of his own story , is that the sergeant in charge of the cannon which was to give the signal for firing the mines and blowing up the bridge , this sergeant seeing the french troops running on to the bridge wanted to fire , but lannes pulled his arm away
可是在这里, danscevilaintroumorave ,就更难办了,因此,我向你们大家求援。 fautluifaiveleshonbneursdebrtinn ,看戏的事由你们负责,社团的事由我承担,伊波利特,不消说,应酬女人的事由您主持好了。 ”