kempf meaning in Chinese
- Paints and varnishes - determination of the degree of chalking of paint coatings by the kempf method
油漆和清漆.用kempf法测定漆料涂层的白垩度 - The state court ruled that a spectator who buys a ticket enters an agreement with the stadium operator to watch a soccer match , but the ticket does not allow the spectator to go on the pitch even if that is not explicitly forbidden , kempf said
肯普夫表示,这家州级法院在判决书中指出,那些买票进场的观众等于就观看足球赛一事同球场管理者达成协议,观众无权进入比赛场地干扰比赛进程。本站通用网址: - Rostock , now in the second division , were fined by the german soccer league for insufficient security . rostock then took legal action against the three streakers for the damages and have won a state court ruling , according to club lawyer gunnar kempf