immergence meaning in Chinese
- The aggregation method reduces the dimension and the complexity of the micro - system , but the aggregation model is not the copy of the micro - system , so it makes new global properties emerge at the macro - level which is called emergence . in this paper , the concept of the functional emergence and the dynamical emergence are defined . the direction of emergence effect is bottom - up , and there also exists top - down effect which is called immergence
北京工业大学工学硕士论文通过模型的聚合缩减了模型的规模,给系统的分析和研究带来了方便,但聚合模型毕竟不是原模型的拷贝,所以在聚合模型中会表现出同原模型不同的行为特性,微观系统中微变量的变化会导致聚合模型不同的行为特性;即低层对高层的影响,这种影响称为行为突现( eme , gence ) 。