
grundy meaning in Chinese

〔常作 Mrs. G-〕 心胸狭窄、拘泥礼俗、事事好挑剔他人的人〔原为 Tom Morton 所作喜剧 “Speed the Plough” (1798)中的人物,其邻居 Dame Ashfield 事事怕她挑剔,以致谨小慎微〕。 offend one's Grundy 伤害一般人的感情。 What will Mrs. Grundy say? 别人会怎样说呢?


  1. What will mrs. grundy say ?
  2. Thus he writes one book complaining that imperial oppression insults the purity of women , and then he writes another book , a novel , in which he insults it himself . he curses the sultan because christian girls lose their virginity , and then curses mrs . grundy because they keep it

Related Words

  1. grundwall
  2. grundwort
  3. grundy center
  4. grundy county
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