gilroy meaning in Chinese
- A wealth of garlic facts , recipes and resources from gilroy , california
-提供食谱和烹饪方法,以及健康饮食资讯 - A wealth of garlic facts , recipes and resources from gilroy , california . also online ordering
-包含八大菜系,风味小吃,西式快餐,面点制作,宝宝饮食,美容保健,药膳知识等 - Then stop by solvang , continue to visit monterey 17 miles , " the roaring camp " train ticket included , san francisco and gilroy factory outlet
出发,搭乘豪华大巴士,经丹麦村,畅游咆哮山庄红树林火车丹麦村蒙特利旧金山。 - There she met dan gilroy and , back in new york , the pair formed club band the breakfast club . madonna played drums and sang with the band before setting up emmy in 1980 with detroit - born drummer steve bray
父亲是一名工程师,母亲是一位家庭主妇,麦当娜是家中8个孩子中最大的女孩, 6岁时她的母亲患乳癌去世。 - Egyptian slaves working on the pyramids ate garlic to increase their stamina . ancient greek athletes strengthened themselves by taking garlic before major competitions and their soldiers did the same before they enter the battlefield . romans followed the advice of hippocrates , the " father of medicine " , to used garlic medicinally to protect themselves from simple diseases like stomach infections to the then fearful leprosy
在美国加利福尼亚的吉隆gilroy这座自称为"世界大蒜之城"的城市,由"大蒜爱好者俱乐部garlic - lovers - club "筹办,每年在8月举行为期两天的大蒜联欢节,联欢节上举行大蒜烹饪比赛,仅仅在比赛中就消耗了150公斤的大蒜。